I’m Julien Kouamé- photographer based New Hampshire, US

Julien Kouame, Photographer
I am Julien Kouame owner of Kelsey J. Photos. I am formally an expert evaluator and researcher in social sciences who found photography as a mean for documenting social realities and for telling individual and group stories.
I dream about photography. Camera at my side, when I see each individual, object, or space, I think about the diverse ways a story can be told including those subjects.
For me, photography is more than a way of making memories – it is a hobby, an art that allows me to express myself, with the only boundaries being the ones that I create.
When I make a photo for my clients, I do help them tell their stories, I do let myself be invited to a journey where they are on the backseat and me on the driver seat. They know where they want to go, I know how to get them there with all of the treats provided by the limo driver.